About Us

My name is Valarie.  I live on a farm in Northern Utah.  We raise horses, dogs, chickens, and apparently stray cats.  My niece Jocelyn gave us a bar of homemade soap and my son said "This is amazing, you have to learn how to do this!"  I researched for 8 months or so to develop a great soap recipe, with my friends and neighbors as guinea pigs for each batch.

What started out as a fun hobby has become an obsession.  Everyone, absolutely everyone, loves this soap so I started making it for friends and family.  I live in farm country and most people make goat's milk soap (which is a lovely soap), but we wanted to make a different type of soap, one that was incredibly rich and creamy, and looked good and smelled great.  A truly premium soap.  There are cheaper ways to make soap, but ours includes the richest and most exotic butters and oils.  We hand-render our own tallow 3 times so it is very pure.  We use beer as our liquid in the soap batter because it makes a great lather and has health benefits.  We add Tussah silk because, well, it's silk and feels amazing to the touch.

We produce in small batches so no two batches are exactly alike.  Every batch is a limited edition soap.  We will do more batches with the same fragrance, but they will not necessarily look the same.

I have no interest in becoming an enormous soap maker, producing soap for 80 hours a week.  My life on the farm is full of horses, fencing, mucking, tractoring and chicken wrangling.  I do this for the joy of making it and the thrill of the artistic expression (as silly as that may sound).

I hope you try the soap and enjoy it.  I hope using it makes you as happy as making it makes me.

Thanks for visiting our site.  

Have a wonderful day.